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Policy / Emissioni climalteranti, tutela ambientale ed economia circolare / 09-04-2021

Revisione della Direttiva Emissioni Industriali - Targeted Stakeholder Survey

Commissione Europea - Osservazioni di Elettricità Futura alla Revisione della Direttiva IED | Targeted Stakeholder Survey, 8 aprile 2021

Supporting contract for an assessment of options for the revision of the Industrial Emissions Directive

Objectives of the study
The European Commission is committed to reviewing the legal framework of Directive 2010/75/EU on industrial emissions (IED) under the European Green Deal. In parallel, the Industrial Strategy for Europe highlights the need for new processes and technologies, innovation and investment to facilitate industry’s shift to a climate neutral, clean and circular economy.
The review aims to support the European Green Deal goals on zero pollution, climate neutrality, biodiversity and a cleaner, more circular economy through the following objectives:
- Maintained (and enhanced) environmental protection from pollution arising from EU (agro- )industrial plants;
- Greater use of techniques that create a more sustainable EU economy, and a cleaner environment that improves public health while supporting a competitive and resilient green and digital transition to climate neutrality;
- Improved public access to environmental information;
- Supports the coherent revision of the IED and related legislation, where needed.

To support the revision of the IED, work will be undertaken to understand the problems at stake and their drivers, and to identify alternative policy options that can address them while achieving the overall policy objectives in a more efficient, coherent and clear manner.
The general scope for the revision of the IED is set out in the accompanying IED inception impact assessment, providing a starting point for the options under development. The consultancy, Ricardo, is supporting the European Commission with an impact assessment for the IED revision, which includes stakeholder engagement activities. If you have any questions about this consultation, please do not hesitate to contact us at




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