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Filo diretto / Salute e Sicurezza sul Lavoro / 22-05-2020

Information and update regarding the COVID-19 emergency in Italy with focus on the power sector

Input to the European Associations


In the past months the outbreak of a new coronavirus epidemic phenomenon has led to a sanitary emergency and induced various areas in the world and Governments to adopt increasingly stringent sanitary and social distancing measures to combat it. Starting from the 12th of February 2020 the virus has been labelled as SARS-CoV-2. The disease linked with such virus has been called COVID-19 «coronavirus disease 2019» and, following a major spread around the globe, the World Health Organization (WHO) declared the situation a global pandemic on the 11th of March 2020.

The effects on society and power sector is extremely significant and it is not possible to quantify such impacts today in a precise way, also considering the rapid evolution of the situation. Nevertheless, the goal of this brief document is to provide information and updates regarding the situation in Italy, especially in terms of effects on the power sector.

Elettricità Futura (EF) has also setup dedicated web areas with updates on the global and Italian situation linked to the COVID-19 emergency based on the activities of the EF's Health and Safety Committee and information stream based on Confindustria updates. Please refer to such areas for up to date information. 





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