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Geopolitics of the energy transition

Webinar 24 giugno 2021

Join us on June 24th for the high-level online conference on the “Geopolitics of the Energy Transition” promoted by ISPI, the UK Embassy in Rome and Enel Foundation. 

A new concept of energy security is emerging as the world shifts to clean energy sources. Renewable energy and smart interconnections will increase energy independence as countries move away from fossil fuels. A leadership model based on knowledge – rather than commodities –is assuming a central role. This makes clean energy more accessible for all. Climate security is also favoured by the transition, which helps lower emissions and reduce climate impacts. This All4Climate conference on the “Geopolitics of the Energy Transition” will delve into the socio-economic, commercial, security and foreign policy implications of the shift, highlighting the role that governments and multilateral fora – particularly COP26 and the G20 – can play. 

Please register below to access the reserved area where you can follow the live stream of the event and submit your questions to the speakers

Ispi has always been careful to ensure an inclusive working environment and to be attentive to gender diversity and to the plurality of voices represented in its initiatives. When this is not reflected in one of our publications or events, it is due to the unavailability of the consulted experts to participate or to challenges in identifying specific profiles in our network.  

For more information and registration click link.



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