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EU Market Outlook (EMO) for Solar Power 2022 - 2026

19 dicembre 2022 | Online


On Monday 19 December 2022, 10:00 CET SolarPower Europe will launch its EU Market Outlook (EMO) for Solar Power 2022-2026. It will provide a detailed overview on the EU solar markets in 2022 and projections for the region until 2026 under different scenarios. 

The EMO will also look at progress of solar developments of EU member states compared to their National Energy and Climate Plan (NECP) solar targets, and  the potential market size in 2030 in comparison to the EU targets will be discussed. 
Elettricità Futura also provided its own inputs for the definition of the Italy scenario.

During the launch SPE will present a summary of the report, and discuss with Kadri Simson, European Commissioner for Energy on what can be done to further accelerate solar deployment across the EU and to achieve the EU 2030 climate ambitions.

Elettricità Futura is member of SolarPower Europe .

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